Employers are looking for rounded individuals who, as well as a talent for economics, have other skills which can be applied in the workplace.
So you’ve started your economics degree and you think, “Yes, this is what I want to do with my life.” It may even be that your motivation to study economics was due to the monetary gains in terms of future employment prospects. Unfortunately, this may have been the motivation of the other 25225 undergraduates currently studying economics (source: HESA). The employment market is becoming increasingly competitive for undergraduates. Leaving university with a good degree does not necessarily guarantee you a good job. Hence work experience during your degree will be very valuable.

Image by roarpett on Flickr
Work Experience Statistics
We are very often told that work experience is an important part of getting a job but, as economics students, we like to put a figure on it. A poll of employers by Gumtree showed that work experience makes you 95% more employable. The good news carries on: two-thirds of employers think candidates with work experience were more knowledgeable, 44% think they are more confident and 40% say they are more committed.
Interested in work experience in economics? We have a few ideas of where to go and what to look for as well as a number of resources you can use in your search for work opportunities under our useful career resources header. Also, read our diary, an Economics student’s internship experience.